The thing about the games we play is the shitstains have no meta-awareness, so this sort of thinking is rare to find.
Consider this rambling off the top of my head:
You experience a universe. It may be a sub universe. It may have sub-universes. It may just be a movie.
You may be an immortal being that exists before, during, and after. There may be others. It's difficult to say.
Thoughts may come from within or without. They may be programmed or scripted in your soul or body. The nature of them is difficult to grasp, especially considering the possible layering of souls, biology, mind, and universes.
Some people suspect they're given ideas or conditioning before they're born. Others suspect they're being brain-slugged. Still others think their 'higher self' is whispering to them from outside this time-space construct universe.
I don't trust anything, tbh.
Seeing as people don't always seem to carry their mind from one life to the next if they're immortal, it's difficult to learn any rules or make any sort of progress in mind. Like a sand castle being swept away. This property could be malicious, self-imposed, or just the nature of the this universe.
I'm more on the malicious side because there are some people I'd like to trap forever myself. Be it on some planet someplace or a sub/alter-universe. Whatever keeps them away from anything I care about forever.
Some believe full recollection of all universes is possible. I'm quite doubtful. Prior existence would need to be pathetic to not drastically alter this world with even partial recollection. Or the only people remembering are niggers, cucks, and lizards.
I believe magic/religion comes in when people decide to focus on results based on assumed properties of souls/minds/universes that aren't directly related to the observed mechanics of matter and energy. I suppose you could say the mind itself is another observational tool, just not as easily shared as matter and energy and space.
I believe most everyone is lying about their magic/religion. They're invariably too pathetic to have obtained any true results. Just like the people that claim to be professional somethings, that never deliver anything worthwhile, and often resign themselves to teaching, or doing some stupid bullshit like sitting crosslegged all day, or masturbating to futanari.
I experience discontent nearly every waking moment, but nothing exists to satisfy me, so that may color my perspective a bit. Don't offer me any hippy bullshit. I'm not buying.