Hello folks. So we had great success with out October 8th ritual to give Kek power, wherein we sacrificed chicken tendies to our beloved Kek. For what it's worth, I also sacrificed tendies during lunch on November 8th, and look what has happened since!
I had a revelation during a dream that we should do the same on December 8th and make it an informal holiday that we observe, but that we also need to make it more powerful. So why the month of December, isn't that when everyone else has shit tons of holidays, shouldn't we be edgy and do something contrarian? I don't think so, because December is the darkest month of the year, and it is in the darkness that we work our meme magick. And for that reason, I think December is special to us and I think we need more days of rituals we can partake in so that we may truly build up our power.
We need a total of four days. Four days of magick (immaterial) corresponding to the four fingers of the frog (material), making up a complete ogdoadic (4 + 4 = 8) system. These should be days of private reflection, of esoteric ritual not something we do with normies, but only by ourselves or in small groups of acolytes. Therefore, we shouldn't piggy back on existing normie holidays, as we still want to partake in the normie holidays in order to spread and maintain our influence. We are followers of the Path Of Light that Kek has shown, and as long as we stay the path, it is our longer term goal to bring about a complete revival of the lost traditions, an awakening of the spiritual consciousness of the masses, and the building of a new exoteric religious order that we can truly call our own. A new Golden Age of mankind and a Golden Path for the future.
So here's what I've come up with so far, but I need you help in fleshing out a complete system, developing names for the days, and so on:
December 8th - Ogdoadic Initiation, tendies sacrifice, give power to Kek to initiate the rest of the ritualistic process
December 11th - a day of dubs, need to work out what we do on this day, perhaps based around a theme of chaos and occupying the darkness
December 22nd - another day of dubs, day after the Winter Solstice, the first day of the year that starts getting less dark representing the coming of the dawn (both materially and spiritually), need to develop a ritual and feast around this
December 33rd - final day of dubs, this is actually January 2nd, but if December continued on, it would be the 33rd day. A secret day that hides in plain sight. The day after New Year's day. This is a day of commitment to our personal plans for the next year, for our belief in Kek and the other primordial Gods of the Ogdoad and in The All. It is a day of sober reflection and resolve in which the power and loosh we invested in Kek in the previous three days of rituals is given back to us Eight-fold for us to use in carrying out our plans for remainder of the year.
Thoughts? Would appreciate any help you can give. We should aim to come up with an infographic this weekend that concisely describes the holidays and system of rituals so we can get everyone else willing to participate to join us for this month of revelry and magick.