What are all the powers and do they function by the same system or different systems? What are those systems and why do they work?
Please provide a clear picture of the magical world and the unseen through your understanding?
Finally, has anyone heard of or had any sorts of visions which they consider a time before their birth, where they have perceived themselves as some sort of amorphous blob with colored lights inside of themselves (multiple people have mentioned this to me), each of the lights representing a life and its quality and other blobs can meld together and mix their lights?
I understand this would be a long discussion, but I am hoping to gather lots of nice long answers and encourage some thorough discussion with as much detail as possible in order to get an idea of what the general concensus might be on these matters.
I am not looking for answers from textbooks or online dictionaries or websites. I have already studied everything that I'm asking about a great deal, exhausting a huge amount of texts for research and continue to do so, so I am particularly looking for individuals to think about these things and to see what they come up with for answers. I have asked similar questions on other sorts of websites, but since those websites were not specifically aimed at these sorts of topics, people did not have much to say on these matters.
Additional questions that I hope you can answer are from my notes on my phone and computer:
How do visual images work in magic?
What is the relevance or potency of blood, semen, orgasms, bodily fluids in magic and magical operations and philosophy?
How do magical trinkets, objects, talismans, charms, amulets, and other magical objects work?
What is qualifies something as a sigil and how do sigils work?
What is the caduceus and its relevance and use? What does it represent and how can it be made and used?
What is the relevance of the screscent moon, mon symbols, skull symbols, dark colors and black, horns, hornd hand symbols, goats, wings, crowns, hats, eyes, triangles, wands, rods, and any significant symbols which I have neglected to mention here (feel free to mention any important ones which come to mind and what they represent and their uses), and their magical uses and how they are put to use and by what means they work or are effective?
What is the importance of using genuine materials and ingredients in magical operations?Are they symbolic only or is there some importance to the actual materials, metals, woods, bones, furs, blood, or whatever else is used? How and why do they work?
What is the significance of blood, blood sacrifices, human sacrifices, sex, orgasm, inducing fear, anxiety, inducing trauma, torture, domination, soul eating, disease, storms, and their potency, importance, reality, and uses in magic? By what means do they work and how are they made ineffective or their efficacy null and void?
What are your views on fate and free will/free agency?
What are your views on being manipulated by thought forms, objects, spirits, or entities? Especially considering the nature of how thoughts seem to appear unconsciously, could it be that the magical object is manipulating, influencing, or controlling the so-called wielder, or a greater force manipulating multiple individuals and objects? If you believe this, can you explain how such things would be working and operating?
What made you believe in magic?
Thank you again for the effort you make in thoroughly answering these questions. Your replies are not only to me, but may remain on this website and help others who are curious about such things as well.
Many people on other websites tend to respond in very short terms, but I truly appreciate lengthy and thorough answers which hopefully cover in every detail all that I've asked as well as other things you may think I may be interested in learning or which may be important to study or understand (with specific attention given to what that importance may be as well).