>it's about clearing your lower chakras.
Good save slowmo
>I didn't get banned
>because I care THAT much what pol thinks about me
You should SERIOUSLY think about making some major changes in your life fam. Start by dropping that shit religion. ;3
>you're not supposed to be talking about the occult unless it relates to politics on pol
>Because kek threads are talking about politics and NOT cringe shit your pants tier circle jerking.
rrrrriiiiiigggggghhhhhhhttttt :^^^^^^^^^)
>lurk moar
>but pic especially related
Way to refute the point retard
>being a shill that doesn't get paid
Retard logic everyone, It doesn't work
>it's a chan cultural practice
>Not shitposting and laughing at yourself
HEY HEY little man you think you can just walk in here and just start discussions. NO! NO! NO! You MUST look over ever post and make sure it caters to my autism.
>I got banned from /x/ many many many times
>I was there years ago
So in other words you PROBABLY don't have proof.
>you just have to not be an autist
Yeah just be retarded and you'll do just fine.
>Also you should accept that you could be wrong if people do respond with explanations on how it is a shit thread,
>MY thread is shit though
hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm? :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
>You could always respond with what ever you want to continue the argument and there will be no problem
Your a waste of a human being and should SERIOUSLY consider killing yourself.
Do you want me to tie the noose for you and mail it to your house Bubala? I know how hard it can be for you to think now and then.
>I calmly explained to them that it wasn't and everyone shut the fuck up.
honestly fam your life must be pretty sad for making shit up on the internet to sound like le tough epin old fig
Can someone explain whats going on
because APPARENTLY I cant read ¯\_ᵔ ͜ʖᵔ_/¯