Here's a serious answer
You cannot 'make contact' with God. It would destroy our reality should the creator descend to our physical realm .
You may contact many lesser beings such as a devil. (Demons) Angels, etc.
The framework for contacting your higher self is in the a.a. course work which is freely available online.
The higher self is an angel, which is the sum total of your ultimate evolution, after countless incarnations of your lives. It is closer to God than you could possibly get right now, and since it's you, (contains you) it's easier to contact than God itself. The framework essentially is all about getting yourself closer to a phase lock with the higher self, to allow it to freely communicate with you in its past without altering the (it's) past or interfering with your free will.
Look into Tom montalks realm dynamics, it's a good explanation of our universe.
Demons are a lot easier to contact but much less inclined to be helpful, as they all have agendas.