What whill happen in the near future.
>one world leader will appear - new age communist, maybe pretending to be a Buddha, its highly possible that demons pretending to be an aliens or spiritual leaders will be part of his image
>he will be so called Al-Masih ad-Dajjal
>he will be killed by Mahdi - the actual Antichrist who will be aided by False Prophet - islamic Jesus
>people will think that Dajjal was the Antichrist and will cherish Mahdi and Islamic Jesus as the good ones
>Islamic Jesus will make the Kaaba stone speak - it will be Image of the Beast
>Islam will conquer the whole world and the ones who wont convert will be killed
>Kingdom of Shambala will reveal itself and forces of Islam guided by Mahdi will try to conquer it
>King of Shambala - 25th Kalkin - will defeat him and the Kali Yuga will end
By the way - Allah is the same being as Baal. He's basically a demon.
The true religion is Buddhism, but Christianity also has some truth in itself.
The message is: don't believe that masonic new age guy will be the actual antichrist. Mahdi will be the Antichrist. Islam is a demonic religion.