This is an advanced technique which cannot be trained by amateurs of the mystic path. You need to know the basics which are listed in the requirements below.
Men are primary humans while women are secondary humans. Male energy is the primary energy of human existence.
Estrogen makes you weaker, hence soyboys and women are weaker than regular men.
All important individuals in history have been men. The world is controlled by shadow jew goverment but only the lesser jews are circumscised because it automatically disperses your male energy.
Every prophet was a man and none of the prophets was circumscised or had too much estrogen, eg. Jesus, Muhammad, and other less known prophets. Even if they were jews, they were the upper jews (Alphas) which are not circumcised. You can tell an upper jew from their oppressive aura, dominating the conversations and general succes in life. You can disrupt them, though, more on that later.
So anyway, to increase your male energy you need discipline. For starters, you need to be able to control your primal urges that god designed to weaken your male energy potential, for this there are some exercises you can do.
First off, stop falling for the trap that is porn. Porn is like a succubus, when you repeatedly nut it to some pornstar, you are giving them your energy for free. The goverment desires you to watch more and more porn, normalizing it to the masses. This way they can make a meek and weak male population to be controlled by the Alphas. Masturbating itself is also falling for this trap, you need to harness the natural energy in your semen. The government tries to cover this up, saying things like "oh, you'll get cancer in your balls", but you can't trust these people, there's no reason for them to tell the truth. This is all to stop men from gaining the true power that we're born to have. Do not ever engage in any sexual intercourses with women because they steal your energy. You may do so with men but only if you are the one receving their energy, otherwise its a loss. Do be warned, though, this will decrease the purity of your energy, and if your barriers aren't strong enough, then you might get AIDS.
First and foremost, you need to stop ejaculating. Instead, you should focus on the sexual urges during meditation and disperse them around your body. This is the first step in propagating your male energy to every particle of your body. If you look at your vital body while this is happening, then you'll see it become more uniform, and almost increase in density. This will take a while, but this is your life force growing stronger.
When you are at this introductory level, you might experience wet dreams that will diminish the effects of the training. This happens because your body is still too weak and cant take that much male energy, thus it releases it. The way to stop the wet dreams is simple, use up the excess energy in a way you find suitable.
Use your accumulated male energy to temper all other energy sources in your body. You should be able to sense them with some effort, and you basically want to bombard those sources with your male energy until they're up to standard. If you spot any female energy, remove it. Expel that shit. This should increase the intensity of your life force, if you think of your life force like a flame, it'll be burning brighter and more stably after this process. You should continue the first step during this process, as with more male energy, this will be easier.
This shit can hurt if the other energy types are deeply ingrained, but no pain no gain, you fucking pussy.
Hit the fucking gym. Steel is forged in fire. You've tempered your foundation, you need to go out and engage the body to truly ingrain the power. Feel the flow of your energy while you exercise, this should help you ensure that every particle of your physical body is deeply soaked in the energy. Continue with the first two levels as you do this. You want to properly integrate your energy.
You should start to notice others acquiescing to your will at this point. Your energy will be many times stronger than normal people, and the integration with your physical body will allow even the most mundane to feel that there's something about you, even though their minds are solidly focused on only the physical. At the same time, your spirit and mind will be stronger.
You might also feel the urge to fuck something, since you will have ascended beyond letting out excess energy in your wet dreams, but you need to stay strong.
This is the level I have reached. At this point, I can pretty easily resist the Alphas, since my spirit is strong enough.