your penis is the base of your being. it is the foundation on which all other aspects of your body have evolved around. every single part of your body exists to protect and ensure the success of your penis. Your penis ties you to life and reality. it connects you to the very beginning of life on Earth on a very real physical level.
*nevertheless, the foundation is not the purpose of the structure*
it is the base which the floor, the pillars, the pulpit, the arches and the incense rising to heaven stand upon. the penis is the precursor to all of human achievement – every creation, invention, war, triumph and glory of mankind relies, regressively, on the existence and success of the penis. this part of your being – both your body and your soul – goes by many names: the root, muladhara, malkuth, etc. It is fundamental to your success as a sentient entity.
And for this reason, have respect for your own foundation. Do not debase yourself. Your whole system is thrown into misalignment when you masturbate, on a esoteric and also physical level. Imagine having a pet dog that masturbated to videos of other dogs fornicating for an hour every day with the same intensity and depravity that you do. The only solution for such a dog would be to put it out of its own misery by strangling it.
Here are some tips:
1. cold showers
2. keep genitals cool and aired out
3. avoid nsfw boards
4. exercise
5. fast
6. pray/meditate
7. draw an anti-lust sigil on your hands in plain view and keep it there until you have mastered your own foundation
tl;dr just stop. stop and don't look back. it's extremely bad for you – it's being used to control and harvest your loosh. rise above it. if you fail, feel the shame and then stop again.