So what started as a guiding voice of intuition has now turned into the exact opposite. Basically I went through a period of about 4 weeks where I had a crystal clear voice guiding me and had I listened every time, I'd have gained a significant amount of money. It took me a little while to truly trust in it, but ironically once I started to blindly follow it, that's when it stopped working. However there's a different 'feel' to the voice now. I believe I have taken over the voice and perhaps something else has as well.
How do I banish it? whether it's self-made or some entity I don't care I just want it gone.
Examples for reference: It would always follow a similar structure: " If you do _ you will regret it tomorrow"
Good examples:
>"This will drop, do not enter this trade"
I ignore the advice and it does indeed drop. This proceeded back and forth on direction for an entire month, it was wild.
So I start listening and not only does it completely backfire but it starts popping up in all aspects of my life. Example:
>cumming in GF all of a sudden I hear "you will regret this, this is the biggest mistake of your life"
So I'm thinking oh fuck, she's going to get pregnant? Next day she get's her period.
And then back to investing, any time I enter a position I hear this fucking voice telling me it's wrong, but lo and behold it turns out to be a success.
I don't understand. It's like a way of keeping me in constant anxiety because it's always the opposite of what I'm doing. The difference being that at first if I had listened I would have been right, whereas now if I follow it, I'd be wrong.
Thoughts guys? I've had experiences with voices before, this is nothing new.