>2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
Traditional "Western Occultism" is mystified garbage for weakminded fools and lunatics who prefer LARP.
My patience is running thin with the amount of disinfo, pseudo-wisdom and other crap perpetually propagated on 'occult' communities.
Commanding pure power is something none of these worthless 'spiritual teachers' you see everywhere are capable of beyond their cults and none of these 'magic books' ever teach in full and comprehensible detail. Knowledge seems to be severely fragmented to the point where one specific teaching can't effectively and quickly lead to the developments of true abilities like major telekinesis. I do not accept rumors such as Tibetan monks or Indian hobo yogis having any sort of significant abilities.
Also, legit knowledge of power doesn't include rubbish. No mysticism, no mythology, no philosophy, no 'history', no culture, no Tarot, no Kabala, no rituals, no altars, no robes, no incense, no sigils, no memes and other junk that keeps polluting the mind by installing artificial limitations and toxic thoughts.
It is never a question of possibility, but of probability. As it is now, there are plenty of low level magic users who keep on circling in the same pool and deluding themselves and their students into thinking they've reached the pinnacle of their evolution.