There's just one problem with this theory - commies still rule the world. To point this out in a concrete way, try to give an example of a capitalist army ever beating a communist army?
>USA vs Soviet = never fought directly
>USA vs Vietnam = capitalists lost
>USA vs N. Korea = war still not finished
On the other hand, the USA, self proclaimed defenders of capitalism, have allied themselves with commies all over the world.
>US allied China and Soviet during WW2
>US still has bases on Cuba despite officially not supporting them
>US allied with Pakistan, a country applying a combination of islamism and maoism
>US backed Saddam in Iraq, his ruling party was the socialist Baath party
Sure, NS may be the synthesis if you use that terminology, but I'm questioning the validity of that way of thinking, the whole thesis-antithesis argument is strongly related to marxist theory, so it seems to me you're using commie speak to say commies don't rule. A bit schizophrenic imo.