This is only tangentially related to what you said, but I feel compelled to type this response:
A technique I learned some time ago, though I've only used it once since learning it. I learned it from Dawna Markova's The Open Mind.
It's quite simple: Think about a problem or stress in your life. Something that's bothering you, something you need to work on, whatever it may be.
Now tell yourself a story, but without using yourself as a character. Start with "There was an old tree" or "once there was a shaggy dog". You can write it or speak (or both), whatever feels right.
The idea is that if your sub/unconscious minds are more visually oriented, but your conscious mind is language-oriented, this helps you translate from the one language to the other.
An alternate method with the same goal, which you described but she used different wording:
>Draw a shape while thinking of a problem you have, preferably using your non-dominant hand; then go back through that shape and ask yourself what each part of it represents
>getting the point across
Well, the point is to know yourself. The one thing in this world you can't see is yourself.
There is an experience this one has of being "behind" a pair of eyes, with two arms coming forward from a trunk center, those arms having hands with fingers typing by an instinct I no longer recall developing. Those strokes become electrical impulses, which become physical imprints on a hard drive in some server room. That etching is then accessed by several electrical connections leading to different trunk-body-arm-head-systems. Presumably those other bodies also have an experience of being "behind their eyes". This one can see those and say "they are there, so I must be here", and equally those can speak the same.
However, the "experience" of being "in that location" is something that changes over time and depending on circumstance. That is what the learning is… What one is, how one fits in this tremendous machine (Machina). The best system is… Whatever allows one to learn what one is without distraction.