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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I know this board isn't for asking questions but I can't find any information on this board or outside of it. Any sources on blood magic? Expierences, books, anything


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Blood magic is bad vibes, man. It's among the darkest and heaviest paths, not to be fucked with lightly. I suggest you go down a different road.

Here is a book on the topic written in 1906 by Rudolph Steiner. It might give some valuable information from a kind of abstract perspective. But by no means do I condone this kind of practice.




If you drink someone's blood you get really high. It needs to be fresh and unconsenting. Also, the Vatican will hunt you down and burn you alive eventually, so be okay with that.


"Blood magic" generally just refers to magic which uses blood as a physical charge. There's not much on the subject of it because it's almost never considered a branch of magic in its own right.

As for whether or not it's "good or bad," it's neither. It's just a component which you can use if it suits your methods. Be advised that your own blood is going to be endlessly more effective at powering your magic than someone else's. Blood sacrifice is not nearly as effective if the blood is not shed willingly for the express purpose of its use in ritual, unless the person shedding it buys fully into the magical framework you're using.



That's the conclusion id come to on my own


Very much appreciated





Keep in mind as strong as blood magic is, it's practically impossible to undo the spell if you get cold feet. The spell will also permanently by tied to your energy signature since now you've tied to the two together.

It's going to be like a small soul tattoo.



That's valuable information that I wish I knew before hand, but luckily I'm not too rash when it comes to spells

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