I appreciate the endorsement. At the same time, how do I put this delicately? Assuming you're not just acting like a cuck for fun, let me put it this way,
is right, this is sad. Demons of the kind you seem to be referring to are not your friends. "Serving" them is pure masochism, it's just a magical form of having a 'bug chasing' fetish.
If you give your power out to just whichever spirit listens to you when you're lonely, you're likely to attract spirits which prey on the desperate. They're likely to be desperate and pathetic in their own right and are not in any way, shape, or form worthy of respect, let alone worship or service. You're buying into a glamour, at best. At worst you've actually managed to contact something worth considering, in which case, you're fucked already. Either way, good luck to you, you're going to need it.