Observe the objective Universe.
God doesn't exist.
The devil doesn't exist.
New task:
Find the devil so you can find God. "For god created the devil".
>but he doesn't exist!
Correct, now find it. Use deductive reasoning with knowledge and objective facts to locate the thing that doesn't exist (but metaphorically do) and liberate yourself.
>darkness parasite enslaved and owned by the corrupt demiurge
le demiurge is not the enemy, common death is. Of all the men on Earth, what do you have in common? You are born and you are dying. Is there something that makes death come quicker? Are there actions and behavior that shorten the life span?
>false light parasite owned by the corrupt demiurge
Don't read the OT, NT bible literally. There is no God. It's not important if the historical events have happened or not, read what the prophets said and implement that into your life.