>Be me
>be on date
>take this psychopath but 8/10 girl out to dinner
>waiter is unusual looking, like he has an elongated nose and big ears but whatever
>"I'll bring you your *honk* drinks in a moment"
>start to get concerned but muh dick makes me forget
>date is going fine until the waiter comes back
>He brings us some wine but pretends to trip and spills on my date
>she storms out but not before having a nuclear bitch meltdown.
> she puts a brick through my windshield and calls an uber or something
>I turn around and the waiter is no where to be found, everyone in the restaurant is staring
>later that night, be in bed
>feel like shit
>wake up at around 3 am
> here muffled honking coming from my closet
>think squidward laugh
fucking deros, not ever once. Any other Anons here ever get cock blocked by these fuckers?