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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 11fbada81714dca⋯.jpg (18.02 KB, 250x358, 125:179, Uplink_box_art.jpg)


Is the entire internet a honeypot?

(Rule 2)


File: e70a7715e6a8d8d⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, unnamed.jpg)


File: 2c8b850bd9210cb⋯.jpg (65.99 KB, 728x546, 4:3, honeypot-honeynet-5-728.jpg)


File: 3a56a54eb15ebc1⋯.jpg (907.31 KB, 1395x1941, 465:647, 17785.jpg)

Come away, O, human child!

To the woods and waters wild,

With a fairy hand in hand,

For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.



Actually I might just be over-paranoid again about the entire internet being a honeypot.

I guess the alternative would be honest innovative technological infrastructure and an honest worldwide capitalist enterprise.


Of course the internet is a honeypot, but a pot so large and filled with shit that anyone who'd take a spoon would die of gastrointestinal bleeding.

There is trouble monitoring everything that goes on on the internet, and google's data can only be stored for so long. So don't worry



I feel like I've heard that poem before but I know I haven't.



Paranoia when it comes to anything internet associated is healthy. Consider that a youtube employee/contractor has come out today to reveal that their video serving algorithm as well as the videos hosted are actively being manipulated in order to push certain (((political agendas)))

Nevermind the preferential treatment given to the newy ork tymes by tge same sistem intechinally misspelled to avoid bots looking for (((keywords)))


Bros are we some conquerors or what?

Blowing the lid off the internet


internet is aracne treath my friend , you may fall into mouth of the spider if you dont wach your steps

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