I have some experience with modern day Asatruar. Long story short, I accidentally killed someone back in 2014 and went to prison for 3 years exactly. While in there I was briefly bunkees cellmates with another young white man who was getting very much into Odinism, and over the course of the next year he ended up in charge of the Odinist group. He also tried to recruit me, even long after we stopped being bunkees, and eventually I joined just for the hell of it.
Anyways as far as I can tell, Odinism/Asatru is for the most part agnostic men who LARP at being Vikings. They study the Poetic Eddas as well as other modern interpretations of Germanic Paganism that pull very heavily from eastern religion and new age stuff. For one example, the opening ritual for the meetings involves hailing various gods with associates hand gestures, and imagining energy descending into the specific chakra locations.
Odin was invoked when the hand was at the Ajna chakra, Balder at the Anahata, etc.
This of course was never done in ever in the history of the Germanic race, it's just modern mixed bullshit another LARPer made up.
>Why try to force your will upon Heaven instead of following Heaven's will on earth
That's exactly the problem. It's horrible that Christianity wiped out the faith and culture of my ancestors, but like it or not that's the reality now. Asatru is dead and fails to connect its practitioners with anything greater than themselves. The entirety of the religion is now studying mythology, and in the case of prison, greatly aggravating the compound administration.