The second ceremony was quite different, mainly because of since it was wo cold during the night in the tipi (ceremony was from like 11pm to 8am) that we decided to have it inside a house instead, which was warm but not quite as spacious (We, about 25 people and the two medicine women, were in this one room packed like sardines, so not so much room for dancing/kundalini yoga).
The ceremonies began with the medicine women cleansing and blessing the room, inviting the spirit of nature and other stuff I didn't understand. They were from a village in the deep brazilian woods and had quite a bit of knowledge and in the power of the medicine they were very, well, powerful.
We all then waited our turn for a glass of medicine, each getting more o less depending on their experience with the juice and what the women determined was good for you;first night i got a small amount to test the waters and the second night i got a heavier dose.
They sang songs of their people and the ir captivating and moving music was a great aid for steering the emotions toward healing.
People soon enough started to spit and throw up but I never once even felt sick except for a short while on the first night.
My intention for the night was to fully put my trust in the spirit of the medicine to do the work it needed to do to heal me, letting go of whatever barriers it would come against. I meditated, focusing on keeping my breathing steady and soon enough found myself in a very new mind dimension, something i came to feel was sort of an experience of the 4th dimension where every my mind was this blob of consciousness moving around through my focus and emotions. As long as I kept myself in the seat of the observer i could stay in one place however long, but whenever the "rational" mind started analyzing and babble the spaces fell apart/shifted to become something less.
I cry-sang quite a bita and even accompanied the music with my clarinet, which people came to appreciate.
I could really feel "the force" tangibly and used it to try some healing on my neighbours which was very interesting and pleasant. In general i seemed to have brought a good energy to the athmosphere.
At around 6am i went outside to drink 2liters of casava juice in preparation for taking Kampo (making small burns onto the skin and applying a gel made from a mucus taken from the skin of a south american frog). The casava is taken to make the kampo work and to be the thing you throw up. Kampo's main function is to cause your body to throw up this deep yellow bile and to strengthen the body in general. I was challenged to stand up during the whole process which i managed for a few minutes after the medicine had been applied until i collapsed and had to sit. It was a very physical experience, not pleasant but very good. I felt tremors, my heart was racing, it felt like having a 40Celcius fever and a bad hangover. After a while the strength of the effect calmed and i could meditate. Saw a bit of guiding visions regarding my future.