I would like to discuss the apparent incursion of esoteric (?) topics into the mainstream. I'm not talking about half-assed 9/11 symbology embeded in Back to the Future. I'm talking about straight-up inserting lessons or concepts pertaining to real magic, wittingly or unwittingly, into works of art and entertainment products. Anyone who has seen at least three episodes of pic related will know what I mean.
The (especially lately) very shitty series, Doctor Who, has been doing this as well in its last season. Heavily. Perhaps even before, but I hadn't noticed it.
Relating to that a question arises. Is there an increase in this "permeation" of popular culture with legit occult-isms for real, or is it in the eye of the beholder? Of course there's always the possibility that it's both, but I'd rather leave it aside because it takes us nowhere.
Have you noticed this kind of thing? Do you have any personal experience proving that this phenomenon is directly related to one own's progression in their path? I have certainly noticed people around me are oblivious to the stuff, but not seeing it doesn't mean it's not there. The question is. Am I seeing it because it is there more and more, or because I have turned my gaze towards it?
Also, "X show/film/book got Y thing right" thread.